Angela Borrell

Angela Borrell

Angela Borrell comes from a family who has many different disabilities and her own personal disabilities which has instilled in her a passion and a drive to see diverse abilities and inclusiveness of all … in both her personal life and work environment. Angela began her Boeing career in February 2014. In April 2014 she became the Communication Chair for the Puget Sound Boeing Employee Ability Awareness Association (BEAAA) BRG after the loss of her 3 ½ year old grandson from DIPG (a rare incurable brain tumor). In January 2015, she took on role of President of Puget Sound BEAAA. In July 2015, Angela was selected as the Deputy Focal for Boeing’s ETA Partnership with the USBLN and in March of 2017 stepped up to the Company Focal role. Angela’s 2-year role of BEAAA President ended January 2017 and now she uses her Company Focal role to cascade USBLN information and resources to the BEAAA and across various organizations enterprise wide. In April 2018, Angela became the USBLN ERG/BRG Leadership Committee Co-Chair.

Angela continues to seek bringing awareness and ensuring inclusiveness of all. Angela makes it a practice when exchanging the term “disability” with the words “diverse abilities” – recognizing the individual’s diverse abilities rather than the disability. Angela is active in reaching out, attending events, and volunteering for various organizations which place an emphasis on disabilities and also their inclusiveness of individuals with diverse abilities.