Neil Romano

Neil Romano

Mr. Neil Romano has dedicated his career to the marketing of ideas. As president of The Romano Group LLC, he oversees some of the most visible and effective public health programs in the United States.

Neil’s extensive background includes tenure as Director of Communications for the White House Office of Drug Abuse Policy, where he worked on campaigns such as “Just Say No” and “America Responds to AIDS.”

In 2007, Mr. Romano was nominated by President George W. Bush to be the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Disability Employment Policy and was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate.

He has also served as a member of the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities, The United States Access Board and The Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled.

Presently, Mr. Romano serves on a number of diverse national boards including: the Major League Baseball Professional Baseball Athletic Trainers Society, the Prison Jail Ministries Foundation, The Taylor Hooton Foundation and The National foundation to End Senior Hunger.

In 2015, Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, chose Mr. Romano to be a member of the National Council on Disabilities.