Katie Arnold is the Executive Director of the Sibling Leadership Network (SLN), a national nonprofit with state chapters whose mission is to provide siblings of individuals with disabilities the information, support, and tools to advocate with their brothers and sisters and to promote the issues important to them and their entire families.
The SLN provides information and resources to help families of individuals with disabilities navigate the needs of all members across the lifespan, shares research findings related to siblings, and builds a passionate and informed community of advocates for better policies for people with disabilities and their loved ones. Katie has been involved in the SLN since the organization’s inception in 2007. At the state level, she has been a leader of the SLN chapter SIBS-Supporting Illinois Brothers and Sisters.
Her Masters in Disability and Human Development is from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
Katie also works as the Director of Community Education in the Institute on Disability and Human Development. Her work is anchored to her experience growing up with her sister with intellectual disabilities.