January 3, 2018
Top Reasons to Register for the 2018 Disability Equality Index (DEI) Survey

Register now for the 2018 Disability Equality Index (DEI) Survey!

The DEI can provide solutions and offer greater understanding to a company’s disability inclusion policies and practices. There are incalculable reasons for large corporations to register for this disability inclusion measurement standard. Here are 10 of the most important ways participating in the DEI can be a game changer for your organization:

  1. The DEI has become the nation’s most trusted annual benchmarking tool. It helps companies identify opportunities for continued improvement, as well as help build its reputation as an employer of choice.
  2. The DEI enables you to receive an objective assessment of your disability inclusion policies and practices. Companies frequently report that the DEI process and results give them a more clear idea of areas in which they excel, as well as those in need of improvement.
  3. The DEI measures a wide range of criteria based on four specific categories: culture & leadership; enterprise-wide access; employment practices; community engagement & support services.
  4. As an in-depth learning tool, the DEI enables you to gain ideas for improvement for your disability inclusion policies and practices. Companies frequently report that they have several “aha” moments when completing the survey, and that the DEI makes them think in a more holistic and strategic way than ever before.
  5. The DEI is a recognition-focused, non-punitive tool. Companies that participate and receive an 80 or above are deemed DEI top-scoring companies; while those that receive below an 80 are kept confidential.
  6. There are learning opportunities for every participating company, regardless of their score. Any participating company can also receive customized DEI consulting services from USBLN specifically geared towards increasing their DEI score.
  7. The DEI enables you to increase awareness about disability inclusion throughout your organization in a positive and meaningful way. Companies frequently report that taking the DEI naturally results in interaction with people at all levels, and in many departments. Top-scoring companies also found it’s great news to share both internally with employees and externally with stakeholders and applicants.
  8. The DEI enables you to benchmark your results against other participating businesses. All participants receive a complimentary copy of the 2018 DEI Annual Report, which contains aggregate results and best practice information, ideal for benchmarking.
  9. Participation in the DEI comes with many benefits. Top-scoring companies are named a DEI “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion,” and receive public recognition via press releases and social media, which creates goodwill and loyalty among current and future employees, investors, customers, and people with disabilities, their families, and friends.
  10. The Disability Equality Index is one of the most comprehensive disability inclusion benchmarking tools in the market. The evaluation process for this survey is methodical, taking on average 30-40 hours to determine a final score. This in-depth analysis and insight brings a level of quality, trust and accuracy that other methods cannot provide.

There’s no better time to begin the journey. Participating in the DEI will leave your organization walking away with new ideas, new insights, and new methodologies to help take disability inclusion to the next level. Register now on the DEI website!

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